Mix In A Roll

Dry fruit & nuts whole wheat bread roll
Dry fruit & nuts whole wheat bread roll

Time Consumption: 2 hours/ 120 minutes

Temperature: 350 F


  • Fillings

Butter 25 g

Milk 10g

Cinnamon 3g

Trial mix (dry fruit & nut mix of your choice) 150g

  • Bread

Whole wheat flour 300g

Milk 130g

Sugar 10g

Salt 10g

Yeast 4g

Egg 1



  • Make the dough

    1. Pour the milk, sugar, and yeast into a bowl. Mix until yeast becomes dissolved

    2. Put in all the ingredients for the bread into the bowl. Mix it up!

    3. Mix until it becomes a dough. Use your hands to knead the dough till it becomes soft and smooth. (which means no chunks left, a perfect dough)

    4. Place it in the oven to wait to rise for 60 minutes. Until the dough is twice as big as before.

    5. When the dough is risen, knead it again till smooth again. Place it on the counter top. Use the roller, roll it into a rectangle, and the depth is approximately 1 inch.

    6. Heat the oven 350 F

  • Make the filling

    1. Melt the butter. Mix the butter with the milk until emulsify (which means combined together completely, no milk and oil separation physically)

    2. Put in the sugar and cinnamon, and mix them together.

    3. Put in the dry fruit and nut mix. Make sure every piece of nut and fruit is coated with sugar.

  • Roll it up!

    1. Spread the filling on to the rectangle dough sheet evenly. Roll the dough alone the short side of the rectangle.

    2. Cut the roll into small rolls.

    3. Place the roll into the oven for 15 minutes.

  • Serve it on the table

    1. Serve it with coffee or milk. You can add the fruit of your choice on the side. 

    2. For an extra flavor, serving it with peanut butter is also a good choice.


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